Thursday, October 30, 2008

Class Lesson: Restorative - 10/30/08

This class is designed around Parsvakonasana, Extended Lateral Side Angle Pose with a block, utilizing three aspects of this pose, shoulder release, torso twists and hip opening. It is a restorative class, meaning the poses are done with support to allow for resting in the pose instead of holding (using your muscles to hold your body up.)

Start with a passive chest opener using a blanket roll assist in opening the chest. Releasing the shoulders, the collar bone region and opening the upper inner arms is the point of this restorative pose.

Chair poses are excellent restorative asanas and offer many opportunities for proper alignment. The chair can assist with dogward dog, Adho Mukha Savasana, seated twists and hip opening poses.

Toward the end of the class we practice Viloma I pranayama, interrupted/retention breathing. Iyengar suggests pranayama is post-graduate work, not to be attempted by novices, but rather under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

As always Savansana, relaxation is the final pose.

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