Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chair Yoga

Yoga while seated on a chair is a good way to have a gentle practice. The chair is a support that  allows modifications of many poses.

Start with a sturdy metal folding chair. Open the chair and place it on a yoga mat. This will prevent the chair from slipping during your practice.

A simple seated twist while sitting on the chair is a good start. Crossing your leg, so your ankle is on your opposite knee, and bending forward is an excellent inner and outer hip stretch. Try with a flat back and a rounded one. To create a gentle backbend, slide your buttocks forward on the seat, place your hands on the sides of the chair seat, and lean your upper back and head over the back of the chair.

Gentle poses are great for those stressful days when your strength of character gets you to practice, but muscular strength is lacking.

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