Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Class for Skiers and Riders

Yoga for Skiers and Riders will be offered on four consecutive Thursdays: Oct 30, Nov 6, 13, and 20, 2008. This class is for fit skiers and riders wishing to prepare for the upcoming ski season. Topics to be included: targeting sport specific muscles groups, stretching and strengthening, improving joint health, developing better balance, moving more efficiently, preparing for peak performance and being "in the zone." The class will be presented at Keene Fitness in Keene Valley, NY. 

The cost for the session is $80 for non-members and $60 for members of Keene Fitness. For more information and to register, contact Karen Stolz or Keene Fitness, (518) 576-2500 or getfit@keenefitness.com 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Class Review September 24

This class was designed around Tadasana, Mountain Pose. 

We started with standing and becoming aware of our feet and pressing down on the four points of the feet, under the big toe joint, under the pinky toe joint, the inner heel where it meets the instep and the outer heel opposite. Lifting up on the top of the foot, lifting the instep of the foot.

We moved to the wall, using it to check our Tadasana pose. We moved into Virabhadrasana I, Warrior I with the heel against the wall, stepping back from Tadasana, and returning to Tadasana. Variations of the pose followed. At the end of the sequence, we rested in Tadasana and felt the resonance, or echo, of the pose.

We practiced Vrksasana, Tree Pose and Natarajasana, Dancer Pose against the wall moving from Tadasana and returning to Tadasana.

We practiced Vasistasana, Incline Plank, against the wall, supported by the forearm and then by the hand in line with the shoulder. 

We moved to Sarvangasana, Shoulder Stand. This inversion, known as the queen of poses, is energizing and revitalizing. I will describe the setup for Shoulder Stand in a future entry.

Our Vinyasa included the poses we practiced: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Utkatasana (Fierce or Chair Pose), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), Lunge, Chandrasana(Crescent Moon) and Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog).

We finished with Savasana, Relaxation Pose.