Saturday, November 8, 2008

Standing Poses: Downward Dog 11/5/08

We begin this class with seated centering and gentle breathing practice. This is a fine opportunity to set an intention for your practice, ie. dedicating your practice to yourself, or others; expanding your sense of awareness of the present moment and living from that moment.

After a few warmup poses we learn about inner and outer shoulder rotation. This is essential for chest opening poses such as downward dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana. Gomukhasana, cow-face pose, is a good beginning for shoulder and upper chest work. Working in a simple cross legged pose, not the full pose which includes thigh rotation as well.

Our Vinyasa includes the shoulder rotation sequence practiced earlier, the downward dog pose coupled with lunges, Uttanasana, standing forward bend and Tadasana, mountain pose.