Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Class Review October 1

This class was designed around Utthita Trikonasana, Extended Triangle Pose. It is generally considered one of the most important standing poses.

We started with Utthita Trikonasana using a block to assist in alignment of the torso. Using strong feet, with lifted and engaged thighs, we moved to include a revolved torso and fully extended arms. 

We moved then to Utthita Parsvakonasana, Extended Lateral Side Angle Pose, also with a block. We engaged the inner thigh of the front bent leg to help keep the knee in alignment over the front ankle. The block also assisted in this alignment.

Our next pose was Virabhadrasana II, Warrior II, also with a bent front knee. Extending strongly through the back leg, and the arms, our torsos were able to lift and rotate. 

Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose, balanced against the wall completed our choices for this class. At the end we 
wove the four poses together in a sequence.