Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Yoga

Restorative yoga is the best yoga for a family and food-filled day like Thanksgiving Day.

Hopefully before the "Big Meal," find a quiet space, stretch out on your back, with a blanket or towel running the length of your spine, in a passive chest opener, for a few minutes. This opens your chest and fills your heart (the 4th Chakra) with grace and gratitude.

Next, rolling onto your belly, push up into Cobra (Bhujangasana) then to Dogward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) then onto your knees, and move your hips back into Child pose (Balasana). Rest here for a few minutes, feeling the roundness of your back, the softness of your belly as it rest on your thighs, and the pressure of your buttocks on your heels.

Coming up into Staff (Dandasana) pose, feel the extension of your legs away from you in front, and the lifting of the spine as your head reaches for the ceiling, tilt forward from the hips with a flat back. Then bending your knees bring your thighs to your chest and support the chest with the thighs, arms clasped around the shins, head in line with the spine. Relax in this position, feeling the support on your belly, and the extension in the back body, down through the buttocks and back of the thighs.

Cross your legs into Cross-Legged position (Sukasana) bring your hands into Prayer position  (Anjali Mudra or Namaste). Give thanks for your body and spirit, and all those with whom you are able to share this day.

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